“I screamed at God for the starving child, until I realized God was the starving child screaming at me…”
Prologue: I remember precisely the moment in 2020 when I stumbled upon Human Design. At the time I was navigating a very intense dark night of the soul, as many of us were that year in various forms. On this particular day I was sulking in bed scrolling Instagram when an image of a bodygraph swept across my feed. Everything about it looked instantly familiar, and as I read the caption accompanying the image, keynotes were jumping out at me. In true 1st line fashion, my curiosity was sparked and I began to research. I quickly realized the system was quite complex and the information available online was vast and varied, so I decided to book a professional reading. Of all the Human Design practitioners across the internet, my fractal line converged with Dana and Shayna’s (of DayLuna). Everything about the reading was extraordinary – like a giant lightbulb went off and my entire life flashed before my eyes. But there were two things in particular that struck a deep chord. One was my incarnation cross – The Right Angle Cross of Consciousness. Dana and Shayna explained that part of my purpose on earth was to comprehend and catalyze consciousness itself. I was both shocked and amused. I responded by telling them that I’d majored in physics in college and specialized in cosmology. My undergraduate thesis, at barely 20 years old, was an exploration of the intersection of cosmology and consciousness. The other piece that blew my mind was my self-projected authority. When they explained what it meant to be self-projected, they gave language and context to something I had known about myself my entire life but had no point of reference for. I felt this thing inside of me – this deep truth that wanted to be expressed through my voice and my words. It was always there, but I didn’t quite know what “it” was. That reading changed the trajectory of my life, offering a major wakeup call to my higher purpose. When I was studying physics in college, I was looking for Human Design all along. I simply didn’t know it.
Neutrinos Are The Language Of The Stars
If you are even moderately mystical you’ve probably heard the term “light codes” before. Although the words might be overused (or misused) within the spiritual community at large, light codes are very real. So let’s take a peek at the science and then dive deeper into uncharted territory…
Neutrinos are subatomic particles that are released as a byproduct of fusion within stars. These particles are virtually massless and travel at nearly the speed of light. But unlike photons, which are completely massless and fall into a different category altogether, neutrinos carry an infinitesimal amount of mass – and this is an important distinction. This mass is a tiny packet of information that is coded at a very particular frequency. And as neutrinos travel through space, they carry messages of their origins. Neutrinos are messenger particles – the very language of the stars. Just as bees and cetaceans have complex language structures all their own, and even mushrooms communicate via mycelium, this is how the stars speak across vast reaches of space and time. Neutrinos are the mechanism by which the consciousness of the stars themselves permeates the biverse. These celestial giants are the preeminent archetypes upon which all sentient life is modeled.
The human ego is a fascinating construct. We’ve analogized planets to Gods and studied the life cycles of stars, all along assuming that we’ve lent our likeness to the cosmos, when in fact we haven’t anthropomorphized them. They have programmed us in their image. This is the fractal reality of self-reflected consciousness. Fractals rely on the repetition of pattern wherein the microcosm is a reflection of the macrocosm and vice versa. As above so below. As without so within. We invoke the Gods in the sky without realizing we are them and they are us.
Our Living Bodies Are Time Capsules
For The Universe’s History
By the time neutrinos reach Earth from distant stars and galaxies, they have taken so long to travel that the information we receive is an image of the past. For example, the Pleiades star cluster sits approximately 440 light years away (in the constellation of Taurus), which means light from the Pleiades takes 440 years to arrive at our doorstep. When you look up at the sky you are not viewing it as it is – you are viewing it as it was. The only exception is within our own solar system, where the sun is close enough that light takes a mere eight minutes to reach us.
In Human Design the sky is divided into 64 gates based on the 64 hexagrams of the ancient Chinese Book of Changes. These hexagrams correlate to specific archetypal energies that emanate from those regions of space and are reflected back in our own individual and collective consciousness. As we transit a particular gate, we are receiving codes from that sliver of the universe – but those codes could be thousands if not millions of years old. By the time they reach earth to impart their wisdom, they are actively weaving the past into our present.
If we contemplate a specific gate, for example Gate 49 – The Gate of Principles, the codes from that region of space carry the energy of revolution. The story of a distant star system that sits roughly in the constellation of Aquarius. A window into its past that is programming our present and future. Via this mechanism the past is given a second chance, again and again, continuously reborn into future timelines that will evolve and shape the trajectory of consciousness. The mythology that we carry in our blood is not simply a human story – it belongs to the entirety of the cosmos.
We are keepers of God’s memories. Keepers of ancient light.
One final consideration: we can just as easily flip the vantage and contemplate the programming consciousness our sun carries off to distant regions of space based on the distinctive frequency that our solar system emits. How does the unique consciousness of Earth mold and shape that frequency? What is the archetypal story that we project outward across space? And most of all, what is the legacy we wish to leave, so that it may be born again in other star systems long after we have gone?
I am a Self-Projected Cross of Consciousness and this is my offering laid bare at the feet of humanity.
We each have a destiny coded into the fabric of our cells. We have only to awaken and remember.