Back in 1987, when Ra received the knowledge from The Voice, one of the first things he was given was a walkthrough of the big bang as it supposedly occurred (to the best of our human understanding as conveyed by a mysterious higher consciousness entity)…
In the beginning (before the start) there were two dark matter crystals – a yin crystal and a yang crystal, which The Voice referred to as the “Bhan Tugh”. These dark matter crystals smashed together and shattered, catalyzing the birth of “ordinary” matter (matter made of atoms). The type of matter that is perceivable to human beings. Even today only 5% of the known universe is comprised of atomic matter. Approximately 27% is dark matter, and the remaining 68% is dark energy. The above statics are scientifically verified, and this is really something to think about. As humans we can only perceive roughly 5% of what’s out there, but that doesn’t mean the other 95% isn’t there, and isn’t something. That something is simply beyond our grasp. Ra emphasized that the key difference between dark matter and atomic matter is temperature. The dark universe is incomprehensibly cold – sub absolute zero. But that doesn’t mean it’s nothing, because our calculations tell us it must be accounted for. Whatever “it” is – we simply cannot see it. This darkness is ripe with so many possibilities.
But back to the crystals…
All crystals of consciousness emerged from the shattered pieces of the Bhan Tugh. The yin crystals, which represent the form principle, carry our design imprinting. The yang crystals are home to our personality imprinting. Each human being is endowed with two crystals of consciousness. The design crystal sits in the ajna and is imprinted approximately 88 days before birth. This crystal is responsible for the consciousness of your body and your genetic inheritance. It’s what we refer to as “the vehicle”. The personality crystal floats at the top of the head center, and this is the crystal that is imprinted at the moment of birth. This crystal is responsible for your personality – your passenger consciousness. This is the mind that likes to think it’s running the show. These crystals are two independent forces, but they are bound together by a common ally – the magnetic monopole. The magnetic monopole is (just as it sounds) a magnet with one pole, that resides in the sternum, or more specifically Gate 2 (in the G-Center). It’s no coincidence that the monopole sits in Gate 2. The hexagram for Gate 2 is “earth above, earth below,” represented by six dashed lines. It is the most yin, the most feminine, of the 64 hexagrams, known simply as “The Receptive”. Considering that a monopole is a magnet with only one pole which draws everything towards it, it makes sense that the monopole resides within the 2nd Gate. It is the ultimate receptive force. Monopoles play a very important role in the mechanics of the maya. For one, the monopole binds the personality and design, which allows for differentiated consciousness (i.e. our human experience). Neither without the other is a whole human – or a human at all. In addition, the monopole is the driver of the vehicle, where the mind is passenger consciousness and the body is the vehicle itself. The monopole, in fact, keeps you locked to your fractal line – your line of geometry, your movement through spacetime. This is why Gate 2 is also known as “The Gate of Direction of Self”. The monopole drives your direction. Its shadow is dislocation.
Human Design is about surrender.
The body is the vehicle and the monopole is driving. The mind is simply the witness – a passenger along for the ride. But in our deeply conditioned not-self collective reality, the mind is constantly trying to drive. This creates tremendous distortion along your fractal line. Imagine the passenger trying to take the wheel while you’re driving! It’s not very pleasant for anyone. Your fractal line is your naturally propelling path through spacetime, and when your monopole is on track, it magnetizes everything that is meant for you. This is the true nature of “manifestation” and also the bedrock of synchronicity. But you will never get there through the mind. In Human Design we have a saying, “Let the vessel lead”. When your body is leading, your monopole is driving. But this is incredibly difficult for most people – even me. At a conceptual level, I understand the mechanics better than most. But living your design is a different thing entirely. I often think of Michael Singer and The Surrender Experiment when I contemplate embodiment. He didn’t need the knowledge of Human Design to experience synchronicity or abundance. He simply stopped listening to his passenger. He realized his mind wasn’t in charge. Most people have no idea how to live this way. And that’s 100% where strategy and authority come in. But that’s a post for another day.
I’d like to return to the crystals for a moment, and point out a few more key takeaways…
According to Ra, the crystals are made of dark matter, and neutrinos act as a bridge because they can interact with dark matter and the observable universe. When you die, your design crystal dies, returning from whence it came. But personality crystals are eternal and infinitely recycled, thus providing a scientific basis for the concept of reincarnation. However, if a personality crystal does not exit the body correctly, it cannot be reincarnated. And this is what contributes to the formation of rogue bundles – essentially free floating personality crystals. The science becomes incredibly complex but equally fascinating. Human Design is the gift that keeps giving when you really understand what it is and what it offers.
Finally, I’d like to mention that just recently the existence of magnetic monopoles in the observable universe was experimentally verified for the first time ever, here on earth. This is actually HUGE news in the Human Design community, though not enough people are talking about it. If Ra were still alive, I guarantee you he’d be reveling.
I’ve consumed enough source frequency to know that experimental verification of a monopole was very high on Ra’s list of major milestones. At the time of his encounter, he was of course told about neutrinos, including the importance of the neutrino with mass. That was not experimentally verified until years later, in 1998. So far The Voice is two for two. Neutrinos have mass, and monopoles do exist.
From My Self-Projected Cross of Consciousness