I was a physics major in college and I specialized in cosmology. As far back as I can remember, I had been fascinated by outer space. I was obsessed with sci-fi as a kid. One of my favorite movies growing up was The Abyss, and of course, the original Star Wars trilogy.
I graduated high school with a 4.5 GPA and the highest SAT scores in my graduating glass. I was offered full scholarships to college and attended a niche liberal arts honors college on the gulf coast of Florida. It was a small school, and not very well known, though it’s biggest claim to fame is Rick Doblin – the founder of MAPS, who graduated from New College in 1987.
At New College, undergraduate theses were required for graduation. I wrote mine on the intersection of cosmology and consciousness. I explored our role as sentient beings in the vastness of space, dissecting the interconnectedness of it all, and curiously probing a Grand Unified Theory of Physics that would unite the quantum with the cosmos at large. This subject matter was intoxicating, and I spent hours (sometimes days) deep down the rabbit hole, losing sense of the world around me. My fascination bordered on madness at times – ask anyone who knew me then. (My 13-33 wishes I could dig my thesis notes out of storage and photograph them to add to this post…)
Many years later when I found Human Design, I discovered that my incarnation cross is in fact the Cross of Consciousness. The essence of my dharma is to understand, awaken, and catalyze consciousness itself. This unearthing was a major lightbulb moment. I watched my entire life flash before my eyes and realized this system was the real deal – not just something to be taken lightly. As I dug deeper into Human Design, I learned that the programming mechanism and lynchpin of the system is neutrinos. Neutrinos are subatomic particles that are a byproduct of fusion within stars. Thanks to my years spent studying physics, Rave Cosmology comes naturally, and I understand the theory very well. In hindsight I think back to those early days in physics, and I realize I was looking for Human Design all along. I only wish I would’ve found it sooner. If there’s one thing I could go back and tell my younger self it would be “research Human Design now.”
The purpose of this post is to provide a clear and digestible understanding of the coding mechanism by which your 26 activations (which are responsible for the generation of your entire bodygraph) are literally woven into your DNA. It is via a precise cosmic imprint that your unique consciousness (your differentiation) is delivered into your vessel. The following explanation is adapted from a live masterclass I delivered in LA in December 2023. That class was very well received and I’ve left the original description mostly intact…
You are the microcosm of the macrocosm
Hello and welcome to the truth of who you are
Some Closing Thoughts…
Human Design is most definitely a science. It quantifies and qualifies the mechanics of consciousness itself. But it’s way ahead of its time. And people discount what they don’t understand. As a Cross of Consciousness with an education in physics I know this deep in my bones. I hope this post has shed some light on an important subject that is not well understood or often talked about. With my personality sun in 64.1, my life’s work is ILLUMINATION (through research, mastery, and teaching). This could not be more true to who I am. It is with deep gratitude that I embody this truth in service to the whole.
Sincerely, from my self-projected podium
*Note that this post does not detail the distinction between the conscious and unconscious imprint nor the exact coding mechanism via the personality and design crystals. Its purpose is moreso to provide a broad understanding of the nature of imprinting. And furthermore to postulate that Human Design and other related fields (ie Astrology, Gene Keys, etc) are not simply pseudoscience, but founded in deep cosmic truths beyond the scope of our currently “accepted” framework.